HEX/ASCII and Streams, streams and streams <3

Hi again, it has beem a while since I wrote last time here. I have bipolar so I just try to chill and live day by day.

Yet I still love to do programming and invent stuff!

This article is about Hex<>ASCII conversion. The idea is to give you some kind of ideas what streams can be used for.

The goal, use normal stream operators (<< and >>) to read and convert between Ascii HEX and numerals. Before I start, the code is available here, free to use (MIT): github.com/codesmith-fi/HexStreamer

Lets start from how my class will be used.

char src[] = "0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f";
std::istringstream input(hexStr);
HexInt8 b1;
HexInt16 w1;
HexInt32 l1;
std::string hexStr("0f01310a123141);
std::istringstream input(hexStr);
input >> b1 >> w1 >> l1;
cout << b1 >> w1 << l1;

I have different types for 8, 16 and 32 bit conversions. And it just uses streams for the conversion.

In all of its simplicity here's the basis for it:

 * Template class which converts between ASCII hex string and integer
 * Not for concrete use, use type defines provided below HexIntClass
 *      typedef HexIntClass<uint8_t, 2> HexInt8;
 *      typedef HexIntClass<uint16_t, 4> HexInt16;
 *      typedef HexIntClass<uint32_t, 8> HexInt32;
 * Templated to get the concrete integer type and size of the type
template<typename T, size_t S>
class HexIntClass
    HexIntClass() : m_data(0) {};
    ~HexIntClass() {};

     * Write as ASCII to given stream as hex string (without 0x) allowing
     * conversion back from integer to string format
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, HexIntClass& D) {
        std::ios_base::fmtflags f(os.flags());  // save flags state
        os.setf(std::ios_base::hex, std::ios_base::basefield);
        os << std::setw(S) << std::setfill('0') << (int)D.data();
        os.flags(f);  // restore flags state
        return os;

     * Read from stream and convert to integer
    friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, HexIntClass& D) {
        char hexbyte[S + 1];
        if (is.read(hexbyte, S)) {
            hexbyte[S] = 0;
            D.m_data = (T)strtol(hexbyte, NULL, 16);
        return is;

    bool operator==(const T& other) const {
        return other == data();

    bool operator==(const HexIntClass& other) const {
        return other.data() == data();

    T operator()() {
        return m_data;

    T data() const {
        return m_data;
    T m_data;

For a beginner the above might be a bit overwhelming. Trust me, it is not.

typedef HexIntClass<uint8_t, 2> HexInt8;
typedef HexIntClass<uint16_t, 4> HexInt16;
typedef HexIntClass<uint32_t, 8> HexInt32;

The main class is a template, takein 2 arguments. The first one is the desired data type and the second one is the lenght of the ASCII we want to convert from.

For example:

int main(void) {
    HexInt8 b1, b2;
    HexInt16 w1, w2;
    HexInt32 l1, l2;

    std::string hexStr("0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f");
    std::istringstream input(hexStr);

    std::cout << "Source string: " << hexStr << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Converting from hex string to integers:\n";
    // should produce:
    // b1 = 0x01, b2 = 0x02;
    // w1 = 0x0304, w2 = 0x0506
    // l1 = 0x0708090a, l2 = 0x0b0c0d0e
    input >> b1 >> b2 >> w1 >> w2 >> l1 >> l2;

    // verify results with blunt assers in this demo
    assert(b1.data() == 0x01);
    assert(b2.data() == 0x02);
    assert(w1.data() == 0x0304);
    assert(w2.data() == 0x0506);
    assert(l1.data() == 0x0708090a);
    assert(l2.data() == 0x0b0c0d0e);

    std::cout << "Byte1: " << b1 << " - Byte2: " << b2 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Word1: " << w1 << " - Word2: " << w2 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Long1: " << l1 << " - Long2: " << l2 << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\nAnd converting back to ASCII from integers:\n";
    std::cout << "Byte1: " << b1 << " Byte2: " << b2 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Word1: " << w1 << " Word2: " << w2 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Long1: " << l1 << " Long2: " << l2 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Finito!\n";
    return 0;

This class provides conversion betweem ASCII hex to binary and from binary to ASCII.

A simple but nice solution for if you ever want to do such conversions. Also this might give you small hints for what to use streams for.

Again, the code is here: github.com/codesmith-fi/HexStreamer